History of Esperanto

What are Esperanto poster stamps?

Poster stamps for:

 -  International Esperanto events
 -  National, regional & local
 -  Esperanto promotion - in Esperanto
 -  Esperanto promotion - in other languages
 -  Esperanto summer camp!
 -  Non-Esperanto events
 -  Related Organizations
 -  The Founder
 -  The Green Star - Verda Stelo
 -  A flag story
 -  Rose Island
 -  Miscellaneous
 -  Ido - Esperanto derivative

Seeing STARS

Esperanto promotion stamp

The official symbol of the Esperanto movement is the five-pointed star, often in green - Verda Stelo. It appears on most of the Esperanto promotion (publicity) stamps, and on many of the stamps for other events as well.

Many Esperanto poster stamps consist of just the star itself - here is an assortment of examples (click for enlargements):



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All text Copyright © 2014, William M. Senkus

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Created -- 05/30/2014
Revised -- 05/30/2014